Java Station .99d (beta) Java Station is a multi-threaded IDE for Java. It will allow you to edit Java text files and compile them. I wrote Java Station because I could not find an Java editor that allowed different fonts. Please let me know what features I might have missed (or that I added you might not like)for future versions. Java Station runs on Windows 95 and Windows NT. You must have the Java Development Kit from Sun. See To run copy JAVAS.EXE to a directory and create an icon that points to it. When you first run Java Station you must specify the path where your Java compiler resides. Dana Scott Kaufman Cis: 75240,1376 Internet: Web Page: Revision History ----------------- .99b Fixed problem with return. .99c Added Row and Column indicator in edit window. Fixed problem compiling using Long File Name paths. Adding prompt to save un-saved file before compiling. .99d No longer leaves error window up after successfull compile. Closes error window on re-compile. Multi-threading code re-written to work more efficiently.